The Skyhawk View

March 2024 Volume 6, Issue 5

Issue Table of Contents

Noel Berkey, retiring after 33 years

By Kylie Lenninger

As he is retiring, Professor Noel Berkey, finds an important part of SVCC is seeing the community succeed and enjoy their lives and what they do.

Berkey goes on to say many great things about his place of employment. “I don't know what my life would be if I had not come to Sauk.”

He goes on to speak about his students and fellow staff members in a way that shows he just wants what's best for them. “It’s a fantastic place to work, and being in a nurturing environment where this enthusiasm for learning is present.” Being in a nurturing environment allows him to find his choice to work at Sauk fulfilling. 

He enjoys working with the other teachers at Sauk who “are enthused about what they teach.”

As the area leader for the English department, Berkey often is in charge of meetings and scheduling. With that, he says the professors often rely on one another if any help is needed. He goes on to say that everyone is like a “big family” and that the professors are “supportive of one another.”

Just like his colleagues, Berkey shows similar appreciation for his students. “Being around motivated people who are interested in learning and improving their lives by coming out here, working hard, challenging themselves. Is probably my favorite part about being at Sauk.”

He finds “working with motivated students,” and seeing them succeed “hugely rewarding.”

He describes Sauk to be a “beautiful” place and “a lot of good things have changed since I've been here.” 

He genuinely enjoys seeing growth and change, “having a growth mindset and realizing you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, with a little hard work I think is key.”

Berkey seems to be happy with the path he chose and recommends to others to “find what you study meaningful.”